Jennie Speirs Grant
A Carbon Reader . Nine Carbon Narratives..
The Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (2012 - current) Artist in Residence.
01/02/13 – 30/12/13 10 month Artist’s Residency. Leverhulme Trust Award.
Hosted by the Department of Geosciences, the University of Edinburgh. Sculpture, installation, drawings. Observation, consultation, translation. Multiple events in business, policy, technology, environmental initiatives, sustainability issues, cultural interfaces, partnerships and collaborative working.
The Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation is the UK's leading hub for emerging low carbon technological, social and business innovation. Over 1,000 visitors come to this award-winning, low carbon building (the UK's greenest historic building) every month to exchange ideas, attend a wide variety of conferences and events and take part in education programmes. With visitors coming from all walks of life (from academics to tech entrepreneurs) and from all over the world, ECCI acts as a catalyst and central innovation space for anyone working towards a low carbon future. The ECCI is hosted by the University of Edinburgh, in partnership with Heriot-Watt University and Edinburgh Napier University, and seeks to create an environment where new world-changing low carbon solutions can be developed, and where organisations learn how to survive and thrive in the low carbon economy.
Artwork created for ECCI
2016/17 A Carbon Reader (Nine Carbon Narratives). Work installed on longterm loan in the new exhibition space at ECCI, High School Yards.
2014/15 Six Biosemiotic Drawings. Selected drawing observations of a single location, April to June 2013 of birdsong. Commentry in relation to proposed biodiversity offsetting and mitigation policies.
2013/14 An Interim Agenda and other works. Residency works from the ECCI Leverhulme AiR research. Drawing,Cast Glass, Biochar, .
30-31/10/13 Energy Informatics. Recorded drawings (visual ethnography) ECCI, Royal Bank of Scotland Business School. Energy Informatics. A world-class two-day executive workshop for entrepreneurs, investors, corporate leaders and policy makers.featuring speakers from Microsoft Research Cambridge, Sungevity, AlertMe...
ECCI Residency Data Sets. (selected drawings)
The East Coast Line - Carbon Landscapes – I year of written and drawn journey notations (Feb ‘13 – Feb ‘14)
Nasmyth’s Willow series. Willow drawn with willow charcoal. Sun spots and theoretical willow patterns, James Nasmyth.
Insolated drawings. Shadow drawings with layered carbon pencil.
Antarctic Rockpools. Aquarium study drawings made at British Antarctic Survey. Cambridge
The Pistol Shrimps. Sound sourced drawings.
Carbon Narratives. Preparatory drawings and storyboards for Nine Carbon Narratives..
Cockburn Museum drawings. Studies of Aragonite and Corals. Ocean acidification research, observational drawings.
Response of Pteropods to Ocean Acidification and Climate Change. Invited artist International Research Conference British Antarctic Survey, 1-3/06/15. Dr Geraint Tarling, Clara Manno
NERC Ocean Acidification Impacts on Sea-Surface Biology, Biogeochemistry and Climate. Glass sculptures representing dissolution in pteropods resulting from ocean acidification. Professor Geraint Tarling, Victoria Peck
Biochar Project. Art/Science collaboration with Dr. Ondřej Mašek, The UK Biochar Research Group, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh. Visualisation work on biocharcoals, in relation to carbon sequestration and soil improvement.
ECCI Presentation for MA students of Art- Space - Nature, Edinburgh College of Art
Mentoring and professional development, core processes. 1:1 Post graduate student, Art Space Nature Edinburgh College of Art.
“Doors Open”.2013 & 2014 Public Access events
“First Look.” ECCI Partners and sponsors event, Official opening of ECCI building at High School Yards,

Details from Nine Carbon Narratives.
Light sensitivity flight patterns of the Scotch Argus butterfly,
Habitat displacement & mitigation with birdsong
The timescales of coral, Chalk & Aragonite.